Snow Level
I messed up and lost the pictures that I took when the snow was near its highest level. Therefore, these pictures that I took four days ago will have to suffice to give you an idea of the snow level here. This first one shows the picket line where I put the dogs when I am getting ready to run them. At its highest, the snow was at the top of the posts, and the chain was completely buried but still able to be pulled up on top of the snow when I needed to use it.
This is where I walk the dogs across the fence. The gate panel is six feet tall while the fence is five feet tall.
Here is the southwest part of the kennel, looking towards Sawtelle Peak. The fence line is completely visible now.
This is the northwest part of the kennel. Part of this fence line is still buried. Look at all those lovely houses, though! In spite of the high snow level this year, I was able to keep all the houses lifted up on top of the snow as it rose!
Heading back to the house as the sun sets. This part of the yard is one of the high spots, roughly six feet of snow. It is a steep, slippery slope down to the door of the little shed where I keep the dog food.
The snow is melting fast with the long daylight hours. We are down a whole foot since last week. However, it snowed most of the day today and should snow again tomorrow.