Today was warm and not windy, but the cloud cover made it feel much more pleasant. There were a few raindrops but not enough to wet anything. I ran two teams at a much faster pace than usual. This was not because I thought the dogs needed the speedwork but because I was chasing the sun, trying to get finished before dark. For the first team I used Walnut and Voltage in lead and hooked up all of Luna's litter behind them. Walnut loves to run fast, but Voltage is less enthusiastic about pushing the pace. He did fine for half the run and then wanted to jog along a bit slower. Perhaps he is just out of shape. Luna's litter is two years old, and they did surprisingly well at the faster pace, especially considering that they have not had very much time in harness yet.
For the second team I used Charge and Current in lead. They are quickly becoming some of my favorite leaders. They are very responsive and willing to go at any pace. I had mostly veteran dogs in the team behind them but also hooked up youngsters Thunder and Hail. Those two are very enthusiastic about running, but they definitely got tired towards the end of the run. They still screamed to go, but they did not have much power left. I am expecting these two to be really super once they get in shape.
The fall colors have peaked and disappeared, but I still have the wonderful mountain scenery to enjoy on every run.