
Goldie passed away today. She was the oldest dog at 15 years old. Goldie was Mike's pet - a mutt of unknown ancestry who showed up at his place at perhaps six months of age. She was pretty small when she was full grown, but she got drafted into Mike's team until she was too old to run. She pulled hard as long as you went slow enough.
Goldie liked to eat. At one time she weighed 40 lbs although her ideal weight was around 28 - 30 lbs. Here is her favorite spot at Mike's feet while he is cooking. She is waiting to clean up little bits of ham or cheese or potato that he spills.

Always sad to have a beloved pet pass on and out of the family. My sympathy to Mike. Corinne
Thanks. Mike is taking it pretty well, considering. Goldie was the last of the old guard - the ones he brought out from Minnesota when he moved to Montana in 1992, so this is sort of the passing of an era. The nice thing was that she was healthy and active right up until the hour that she died.
Sorry to hear that as well... :(
That's great that she was doing that well right up until the end. She's a cutie.
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