Hello Again
My Mother has prompted me to start this blog up again, so here goes. I stopped posting last summer when a lightning strike fried my computer, and somehow I just never got back to it. I spent the winter helping a pair of junior mushers learn to be better dog drivers. The snow has melted (almost), and the tulips and daffodils are starting to poke up through the ground (barely). Spring came early this year because we had incredibly low snowfall this winter. Mike just found a job after almost eight months of unemployment, and we have four new puppies after four years of no litters. I have a new friend who will be taking me horseback riding, so now I can look forward to summer instead of just feeling sad about putting the dog sled away. I have spent the last year learning a new instrument (the violin) and practicing an old instrument (my pedal harp). Soon the season of brushing out the dogs and spinning their hair into yarn will be upon me. As you can see, I have lots of interests and lots of things to do. I have not decided if I will try to garden this year; that may be too much to take on.
I cant wait for summer also and so glad that you started the blog again.
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