Monday, November 26, 2007

Snow At Last

The prayers worked because we did get some snow last week. It was not much, but still ...

Snow at last; snow at last; thank God Almighty, there's snow at last!

West Yellowstone got about a foot, but I only got perhaps 2 - 4 inches. The weather turned cooler, though, so I still have most of it left. This is not enough for sleds, so I am still running the dogs with the ATV. They opened the gates to the winter trail, so now I am able to go 20 miles, and the dogs are ready for that distance, so this is great.

We had some gorgeous sunny days, and I found myself running in the late afternoon with the sun at my back, painting the fields golden, and the full moon rising over the mountains directly ahead of me. I did not have my camera with me, so you will just have to imagine it.


At 12:46 PM, Blogger SusanE said...

Your description was almost as good as a camera.... Maybe better.


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