Monday, August 15, 2005

Bats and Mice

Last week our cat, Eggnog, stopped sleeping on our bed at night. She would only come up at dawn and sleep until I got up for the day. I decided to see why, so I went looking for her one night. I discovered her in the downstairs bedroom and soon understood why she was staying there all night. Flying round and round the room was a bat. As soon as I turned on the light, it headed for one end of the room and disappeared up a crack between the ceiling and the outer wall logs. Soon afterwards, Eggnog joined us on the bed for the rest of the night.

The mice have finally discovered the dog food in the shed. Luckily, they only tore into a single bag, and the mess they made was easily swept up. I locked Eggnog in the shed for one night in the hopes that she would catch the mice and avert a much bigger problem. It seems the mice were entering the shed at night and vacating it during the day. Of course, Eggnog left no evidence of whether she caught a mouse or not, but so far the kibble pilfering seems to have stopped, so I am hopeful that the marauding mouse has been destroyed.


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