Mike and I have dogs because we love dogs, so naturally we also enjoy having dogs in our house. In fact, we would have all the dogs in the house if we could, but some of the dogs are not safe with cats. We truly love our cat, so we only allow dogs who are safe with the cat to be in the house. Right now we have two regular house dogs, Rose and Mary, who are housebroken and trustworthy. I am now in the process of training two more dogs, Current and Abba. We also have Goldie and Fresca who have been house dogs in the past but are a little too hyper for me to want them in a house that is still full of boxes and other stuff scattered around. Once I have everything unpacked and in its place, we will have more room for bringing more dogs in.
A funny thing happened with Abba just now. This is only the second day that she has ever been in the house, and so she is just learning house rules and how to behave in the house and around the cat. Our cat Eggnog got playful and came running around the corner right in front of Abba who jumped several feet in the air and backed up a few paces. Eggnog thought this looked like the behavior of a potential playmate, so she did a mock charge, and Abba skedaddled all the way to the back door. Eggnog thought this was great, so she put on her best playful pose and approached a little closer whereupon Abba screamed in fear and flattened herself against the door. Now I know I shouldn't be laughing at her genuine distress, but it is just so funny to see a full grown husky screaming in fear of a playful cat. Now Abba is hiding under the desk at my feet and Eggnog is sitting on the counter feeling rejected.