Windy, Windy, Windy
We had such a blizzard today that I canceled my run. You could hardly see a thing, and trails were blown over within minutes, so I figured it would be crazy to try to buck that. Even the tow truck got stuck in its own driveway, which had drifted completely over. (The tow truck lives just behind us.)

That blue sky only made a brief appearance late in the day. It was snowing most of the day. I spent some time digging dog houses out and lifting them on top of the snow. One house was completely buried with just a tiny spot of blue to show me where it was. The dog who owned the house was sleeping out in the snow, and he was also buried and obviously cold, but coping. It was very rewarding to get his house out, put some fresh straw in, and watch him snuggle inside it. Some of the houses were filled with snow, and I had to use a small, sharp shovel to get the snow out so that a dog (and some straw) could fit in. It was too big a job to do the whole kennel in one day, so only half the dogs have fresh straw tonight. I will have to try to finish the job tomorrow. I hope the wind decreases because strawing the houses is a very nasty job in the wind.
In case you are wondering, the doghouses get buried because of the wind creating huge drifts, not because of the amount of snow falling from the sky. We have had much less snow than last year, and I could easily keep up with it if it were not for the wind. My snow gauge is only showing about two and a half feet of snow. The dogyard fence is still well above snow level although I am able to step across it where the drifts are the greatest.
Wow that an impressive amount of snow you've had fall. We've got just enough to run and that's it. It's been really warm here (just below freezing) for days. Although the forecast says that it's going to -20 C next weekend. Weird weather for winter up here.
Thank you for stopping by Keewee's corner.
I find your sport very interesting. I can hardly imagine what it takes to train, take care of your dogs and enter those races, I certainly see why you must be exhausted at the end of a race.
I will be back to read more.
Just popping in to say hi. I see you've had quite a bit of snow while we have none in NY. Warm (around 50ยบ) and sunny up here again today. Weird weather for January.
Sounds like the snow is keeping you very busy.
Sorry to hear you've had your ups and downs...losing some of your dear dogs and the one getting hit by a car.
Those 'berries' are adorable. Cute names :)
Happy New Year to you and may 2007 bring much happiness and good health.
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