Home to a much-loved group of racing sled dogs.
Some people think that it is winter whenever there is snow on the ground, or if snow is falling from the sky. But I have always said that spring begins when the snow is consistently melting. By either definition, winter is definitely on the way out. Look, there is a bit of green (well, brown, actually) showing in front of the shed door. I no longer have to shovel it out every day to get to the dog food. Because the wind always blows here, the snow tends to funnel around the sides, which is why you see a steep bank in this picture.
One of the things I have been doing this winter is making dog hair socks. These are so soft and warm, they feel absolutely decadent. I love to wear them while lounging around in the house
They are also amazingly warm for tromping around in the snow, but alas, the pure dog hair is not very durable. I have been experimenting with reinforcing the worst wear spots with a strand of wool, and so far I am pleased with the results.
If anyone would like to buy a pair of these luxurious socks, you can contact me at chugach at peoplepc dot com.